Nucleus angularis ( NA) and nucleus laminaris ( NL) are important sensory centres of the audition and the sound localization in birds. 鸟类的角状核(NA)和层状核(NL)是延髓内司听觉及声源定位的重要感觉中枢。
After HRP was injected into the left and right cochleas, anterograde label was observed in the following regions: the eighth nerve, nucleus magnocellularis and nucleus angularis of the medulla oblongata. 将HRP分别注入左右侧耳蜗内,1.在同侧听神经有束状的标记纤维并分别投射至延髓的角状核和巨细胞核;
The Study of Projection of Nucleus Angularis in Medulla Auditory to Nucleus Mesencephalicus Lateralis Pars Dorsalis in Songbirds 鸣禽鸟延脑听觉角核向中脑背外侧核的投射